Pores are the passageway for oil to reach the surface of the skin and essential to keep it moisturised, supple and protected. Oil travels up this passageway (canal) and exits through the pore. A build-up of dirt, impurities, oil and dead surface cells can make pores more visible.

Causes of visible pores ranges from not cleansing adequately, too much sun, ageing and an excess of oil on the surface of the skin.

Here are some ways to minimise visible pores and manage blackheads.

Be sure to cleanse thoroughly. If you have an oilier complexion, look for products that have anti-bacterial properties to protect the skin from outbreaks. Our Neem Facial Wash or Cream Soap helps reduce dead cell build up (which by the way can become lodged in the pores) and helps to alleviate oil on the surface of the skin, which can make pores more noticeable. Both cleansers, btw, contain anti-bacterial properties.

Exfoliation helps; however, over-exfoliating can worsen the problem as harsh scrubbing can cause the skin to become inflamed and also produce more oil. We recommend a gentle exfoliation weekly for drier types and twice weekly for oily skins. Try our Scrub Grains for oily skins and either the Gold or Walnut Scrubs for normal to dry skins.

Masking up:
Clay-based masks are perfect for visible and clogged pores as they play two roles … firstly these masks absorb excess oils and at the same time exfoliate the skin. Our Protex Mask is a great one to purify the skin and another is our Fruit Mask which contains Citrus and healing Zinc. Both are formulated for oily skins. For drier and more mature types the Diamond Mask is rich in Fuller’s Earth and Diamond Ash. It works to draw out impurities while it rejuvenates.

As we age, skin loses its elasticity as a result, the skin around the pore is not as firm as a younger complexion. When the skin thickens, cells stack-up around the pores and oils, dirt and impurities can build up in the wall of the pores, making them more noticeable. Cleanse daily to thoroughly remove make-up, exfoliate and mask up weekly and moisturize morning and night. A great routine for more mature skin is Aloe Cleansing Cream, Rose Toner, Walnut Scrub and Mango Mask once a week, Honey Sandalwood during the day and Night Nourishing Cream at bedtime.

Sun Exposure:
Excess sun exposure can damage skin’s collagen and shrinks elasticity in pore passageway (canal). Always apply sunscreen and as with ageing, apply a mask containing Fullers Earth as in our Diamond Mask for more mature and dry skins. This at-home mask helps minimize large pores while at the same time reduce lines and pigmentation.

Blackheads are a result of dirt and impurities settling into pores which gives them their darker colour, making them more noticeable. It’s best not to attempt to remove blackheads ourselves as this is an issue that should be left to a professional therapist. Steaming the face at home can be effective in opening the pores and helpful in easing the removal of blackheads. Cleanse and towel dry the face before steaming. You can steam at home by pouring boiled water into a large bowl. Use a large towel to cover the head and place the face over the bowl (about 45 cms from the bowl) for 5 – 10 minutes max then pat-dry the skin and apply an anti-bacterial lotion like our Pigmentation and Blemish Lotion.