Physical Traits Vata Pitta Kapha
Body Frame thin medium large
Finger Nails thin/cracking pink/soft/medium thick/wide/white
Weight low or bony medium/muscular gains easily
Stool/bowel movement small/hard/gas loose/burning moderate/solid
Forehead Size small medium large
Appetite variable Strong/sharp constant/low
Eyes small/unsteady reddish/focused wide/white
Voice low or weak high or sharp slowor silent
Lips cracking, thin, dry medium or soft large or smooth
Speech quick or talkative moderate or argues deep or tonal
Weather – what bothers you cold and dry heat and sun cold and damp
Sleep Patterns light moderate deep/heavy
Which do you like best travel or nature sports or politics water or flowers
Mental Traits Vata Pitta Kapha
Temperament nervous or fearful irritable or impatient easy going
Memory quickly grasps, but forgets sharp or clear slow to learn, never forgets
Faith radical or changing leader or goal oriented loyal or constant
Dreams flying or anxious fighting or in colour few or romantic
Emotions enthusiastic or worries warm or angry calm or attached
Mind quick or adaptable penetrating or critical slow or lethargic
Skin Vata Pitta Kapha
Lack of tone or lustre Rashes, inflammation, itching Dull, sluggish, congested
Rough Patches Oily T-zone Enlarged pores
Chapping and cracking Premature wrinkling Blackheads
Dry rashes, corns and callouses Yellow, pustular acne Large pustules
Dry Eczema Blackheads Cystic formations
General Dryness General Excessive oiliness Thick, oily secretions
Dandruff/ dry scalp Discolouration of natural pigmentation Oily Scalp
Hair Vata Pitta Kapha
Dry and Dull Oily Thick
Frizzy Balding Glossy
Scaliness Excessive Hair Loss Shiny
Split Ends Thinning Grows easily